
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Goal Setting

Setting goals is ESSENTIAL for living the life of your dreams! I mean, how are you going to get anywhere in this life if you don't identify your destination? Think of your ultimate goal as your destination...and your short-time & long-term goals as road maps to the life you want to live. The path to get there may not be the smoothest or the shortest, but it will make getting there SO much sweeter! Life truly is about the journey and you should never be afraid to give 100%!

Learning to set goals isn't easy though.  I have found Chalene Johnson to be extremely influential in how I learned to set goals.  Her book Push: 30 Days to Turbocharged Habits, a Bangin' Body, and the Life You Deserve is seriously awesome.  She breaks down how to set goals and how to work towards those goals.

Here is another guide on how to set goals...

The only problem I have with the above model is the A.  Don't make your goals smaller because of this.  Make sure your goals are challenging enough to push you to change yourself.

Here is an example of my newest goal:  I am going to compete in a figure competition in the bikini category by Summer 2014.  (I would make it more specific but I haven't chosen which competition I want to compete in).  This goal is extremely challenging for me.  I will  have to clean up my eating even more and push through harder workouts.  This goal is going to push me to where I ultimately want to be.  Tying it to the deadline of next summer makes it so I cannot procrastinate. 

When should you set goals?

You should have weekly goals.  Whether it's to eat clean for the entire week, get in all 6 workouts, lift heavier, have date night with your spouse, have a sit down conversation with your spouse about how your relationship went for the week, make X number of new contacts at work, make an extra payment on your car, etc.  You can make a goal for any area of your life you are trying to improve. 

You should also have monthly, yearly, and five year goals.  Sit down and spend 5-10 minutes reviewing your goals every day.  Keep them fresh in your mind.  Share them with people!  They will help you stay accountable.

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