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Monday, September 16, 2013

Dream Big - Motivation Monday!

Today I wanted to just do a quick post on the importance of setting goals and making those goals public.  When you join a Beachbody Challenge Group you get to share your goals with your coach and your teammates.  That give you accountability and support.  If you keep your goals to yourself chance are you will never reach them.

This is my Dream Board.  I put everything on here that I wish to accomplish.  There are goals I want to reach for with my Beachbody coaching, there are life goals (Debt Free -yes please), and there are workout goals.  I placed my board right in my workout space which is conveniently where the TV is and it is in view from the computer.   It is someplace where I can see it everyday. 

This provides you with accountability toward reaching your own goals.  Taking this step solidifies your goals!

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