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Friday, September 13, 2013

A Womans Journey with Body Beast

So today I began my journey with Body Beast and Shakeology.

I know it sounds crazy right?  The advertisements are all about getting HUGE and gaining weight!  Well it's not crazy.  Women will not bulk up like men due to the levels of testosterone in our bodies.

Muscle burns more calories while your body is at rest.  So it makes sense to add more muscle to trim your physique.  Notice how I didn't necessarily say to loose weight.  Muscle weighs more than fat.  Here is an example of what I'm talking about...

So if you are killing yourself with cardio and find that you have that "skinny fat" appearance you need to add MUSCLE. 

So for this challenge I'm going to ditch my scale and go by just my measurements!
Starting measurements: 
Bust: 38"
Left Arm: 12"
Right Arm: 12.25"
Waist: 31"
Just Below Naval (that terrible trouble zone of mine): 35"
Hips: 38.75"
Left thigh: 22.5"
Right thigh: 23"

This plan doesn't include much cardio.  So I will be supplementing cardio with Turbo Fire and my husband's T25.  I also will be adding extra ab work to really trim my waist.  

This girl won $500 for her Body Beast Transformation.  I WILL get results like these.  

Oh and most importantly... I will be drinking Shakeology every day!

 If you are a woman and interested in lifting to get that lean sexy body look no further than Body Beast.  You can order your Body Beast here.  Contact me and I will help guide you on how much weight to lift for each exercise since there is no female modifier.  Once again don't hesitate to make me your official FREE Beachbody coach here are the instructions.

And on a silly note...

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